Lincoln School: *For Sale*

Did the “For Sale” picture catch your eye? I hope so! Don’t worry, our school isn’t for sale. Quite the contrary! Let’s have a thoughtful conversation about how we can “sell” our school to families, as well as new staff members, so they feel welcome on our first week back! I was eating lunch with Read More…

Navigating the Storm of Vacancies. What YOU Can Do About It.

Everyone is feeling the impact of staff vacancies right now. Every morning at Lincoln School, several people are making sacrifices to “get through the day.” SPED classes are feeling it. Additionally, students aren’t receiving necessary intervention (both academic and behaviorally), and oftentimes even PE is “improvised” at a moment’s notice. These are just a few Read More…


It wasn’t quite a British invasion (HaHaHa), but the beetles are currently “touring” the land of TK right here at Lincoln School. It wasn’t John, Paul, George and Ringo, but these beetles sure knew how to attract a crowd! Needless to say, they had quite a few fans checking them out. We saw red ones, Read More…