Did the “For Sale” picture catch your eye? I hope so! Don’t worry, our school isn’t for sale. Quite the contrary! Let’s have a thoughtful conversation about how we can “sell” our school to families, as well as new staff members, so they feel welcome on our first week back! I was eating lunch with Read More…
Author: lincolnprincipal
Lincoln Lions Meet Their Growth Goals… And, It’s A Bit of A “Stretch!”
There was much to celebrate today in the land of Lincoln Lions… We held our end-of-year “Stretch Growth Goal” ice cream party at the lunch tables. The weather was unusually cold on the last day of May, but as one Lincoln Lion said, “Rain or shine, the weather is always perfect at Lincoln for an Read More…
Girls On the Run – Going the Extra Mile
Today TWELVE of our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls participated in the annual San Diego “Girls On the Run” 5K race (3.1 miles) down at Mission Bay. The team arrived around 7:45 in the morning on Sunday, and the race started at 9AM. All in all, it was a beautiful morning for a run Read More…
“There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men” (Part 1) Redefining Our System of Effective Collaboration for Next Year’s Enrichment Wheel
“There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are WE now afloat; And WE must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.” Those Read More…
Interventions: From Good to Great
Our conversation at Leadership Council yesterday, as always, focused on our CAUSE: “We believe that students have the RIGHT to a QUALITY education, and it is our responsibility to make that dream a reality.” As a Lincoln staff, we are determined to “look in the mirror” rather than “out the window” when it comes to Read More…
Goal Setting: Spotlight On 4th Grade
(I just had to. World Cup Fever is occurring all around our planet!) Meanwhile, back at Lincoln School… Goal setting. 🙂 With our students’ Glow Stick Party ’22 just around the corner, it’s necessary to shine a spotlight on the great work teachers are doing in their classrooms to make this dream a reality at Read More…
Lincoln Mothers Unite! (And, They LOVE Our Cause…)
Today was our very first “in-person” Coffee With The Principal meeting with families in nearly three years! Additionally, we were able to recruit a new secretary to our ELAC committee, as well as encourage families to “join the conversation” at our future ELAC meetings in an effort to stay informed. After all, one of our Read More…
Navigating the Storm of Vacancies. What YOU Can Do About It.
Everyone is feeling the impact of staff vacancies right now. Every morning at Lincoln School, several people are making sacrifices to “get through the day.” SPED classes are feeling it. Additionally, students aren’t receiving necessary intervention (both academic and behaviorally), and oftentimes even PE is “improvised” at a moment’s notice. These are just a few Read More…
It wasn’t quite a British invasion (HaHaHa), but the beetles are currently “touring” the land of TK right here at Lincoln School. It wasn’t John, Paul, George and Ringo, but these beetles sure knew how to attract a crowd! Needless to say, they had quite a few fans checking them out. We saw red ones, Read More…
The “Golden Rule” Is Turning Platinum?
I’ve had the opportunity to pop into every one of your learning zones a few times already, and I see the engines of learning turning the first week of school! Lincoln is off to a great start! I’ve been on a mission lately. I’m counting the number of learners in each classroom to get an Read More…